Doctor Appointment Booking System

Infoicon Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Is empowering technology and simplifying the clinical processes with an efficient Doctor Appointment Booking System.

Technology has transformed the ways that people in the previous generations were used to of. During the conventional days, the doctors used to visit at the patient’s home when the patient seems to be dying or sometimes the doctor arrived after the death of the patient. But now, things have changed. The patients can get in touch with the doctor anytime with the help of comprehensive smartphone applications. Even if, the customer wants to visit the doctor’s clinic, then, he/she can fix an appointment with the doctor by making the use of a Doctor Appointment Booking System.

The Doctor Appointment Booking System provided by Infoicon Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Is intended to execute the following tasks:-

Registration of the Patients and doctor:- In this comprehensive software, the feature of registration enables to create their account on this system so that the patient and doctors can communicate easily.

Select Your Specialist:- According to the type of disease from which the patient is suffering from, he can choose the specialist doctor from the available list to cure his disease.

Book An Appointment:- The patient can book the appointment with the selected doctor by filling up the time and personal details which are required for the appointment. The patient can only choose the available date and time as per the software.

Cancel the Appointment:- The appointment can be canceled within 12 hours after making it. After that, the anointment cannot be canceled. The patient can make a request for a new appointment.

Premium Appointment:- In the critical and urgent situations, the patients can make the premium appointment. The charges of a premium one are a little bit high as compared to the basic appointment.

Reschedule the Appointment:- If you want to reschedule your appointment due to some genuine reasons, then, you can make a request to get your appointment rescheduled so that the time of your appointment would be assigned to some other patient.

The salient features of Doctor Appointment Booking System provided by Infoicon Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Are:-

Totally Automated:- This solution is a completely automated with no manual interventions. The IVR features notify the customer to complete the process sleekly.

Email & SMS Notifications:- The customer needs to dial a specific phone number to book an appointment. The customer will receive an instant confirmation Email or SMS when the booking is successful. A copy of this would be sent to the doctor with whom the appointment is fixed.

Stores Patient Details:- Our system stores the personal details of the patient. When the customer makes the appointment for the second time, then, he/she need not fill the personal details again as they are already saved. However, if they want to make changes in the personal details,then , they can do it. This system maintains the high level of confidentiality.

Easy Maintenance of Patients Visiting Records:- You can keep a record of all the meetings that the patient has made as well as the minutes of the meeting so that whenever you need the relevant information, you can retrieve easily.

Management of the Appointments:- You can manage all your appointments easily. You cam add, modify, cancel or shift appointment easily with a prior notification to the patient.

Strong Verification:- In addition ton making the application feature rich, we make it fully secure also. We verify the bookings to avoid the false bookings.

Avail the prime solutions from Infoicon Technologies Pvt. Ltd. To make your clinic advanced and updated with the latest technology. Our Doctor Appointment Booking System is a comprehensive solution that will surely meet all your significant requirements.